Just how big do you go?

Top 5 ways clients have figured out the future partners Finger sizes


So, you’ve decided to ask the girl of your dreams to marry you. You know what ring she’d like, and you want to commission the perfect ring.

Here are a few of the way’s guys have tried at various degrees of success to work out finger sizes.

1.     Tacky but clever

One client of mine didn’t live in the UK and we were mostly communicating via email to ensure the secret was kept. So when it came to the finger size he found another of her rings that she wore on the opposite finger on her right hand, using the ingenious idea of sticking it to a massive piece of Blue Tac to get an impression and wrapping it in tissue and packaging within a washed and used humous pot. This package arrived at my studio as a signed for package. When I opened the parcel, all was in perfect order and I was able to measure the indentation to get the size.

2.     Slippery and sly

Very similar to the above method but much more common. In a studio I used to share we had several blocks of soap with ring indentations in them. Clearly this is a top choice; while girlfriends are washing or perhaps asleep the men are sneaking the rings and pressing them into soap.

3.     Guess – Assumption is the mother of all F@$K ups.

Possibly the least reliable but by far and away one of the most popular! I definitely wouldn’t recommend this as it is usually wrong. Therefore, you’re either saying her finger are far bigger or smaller than they’re and it’ll have a knock-on effect on the entire design.

4.     How long is a piece of string?

Another client who is an engineer by trade used one of the highest risk and also as it turned out long winded methods. Having a bedside table with lots of man bits on is necessary for this to work. His plan was to get away with having a length of string and a marker pen placed at the ready.

Unfortunately, every night for a week he fell fast asleep before his girlfriend and was unable to take a measurement. But after a “relaxed” Friday post work drinks she fell asleep first and into a very happy deep sleep so was not woken by her boyfriend wrapping a piece of string around the 3rd finger of her left hand and marking where the string overlapped to get the length right.

5.     Phone a friend

I have to say I think this is probably the most reliable option, but you do need to know you can trust someone and also means that you actually have to tell someone else which is  for some unknown reason a step too far for most of us men. 
A sister or mum might already know her finger size or as does happen you might find that she has already told a friend not only her finger size but also the style and type of ring she’d like. You would probably be surprised just how many girls have thought about this and also discussed it with friends so they can be a valuable source of info.

6.     One extra

I may have suggested 5 tips, but this is just sneaking in at the end as it’s often the best and safest option.  Come and have a chat with me and we can discuss your budget, and the type of ring you think she might like, and we could even sketch up a design. Then we can make a simple ring that can be easily resized or melted and used in the actual ring. Ask the big question with this ring and then the two of you can come in for a chat and you and your fiancée can design the ring together making it even more special.

In addition, we will have the original design tucked away and when she designs pretty much the same ring, we can pull it out and show her just how good you are. If you’re way off the mark, we’ll keep that to ourselves and everyone’s a winner!

Will Odell